Friday, 29 December 2017

29/12/17 Spring, Summer, Autumn & Winter 2017

So, this has to be the longest break in between blog posts that I have had so far. Huge apologies to our readers for the lack of Bubbles' updates!

She has had a very relaxing year, all in all. We moved house twelve months ago and Bubbles seems content in her new homestead - which has many windowsills for her to luxuriate and sunbathe on. Being an indoor cat, she is delighted to have two very loud Siamese cats as her new neighbours - and an excellent view of a large tree that is often adorned by a variety of birdlife (mainly pigeons.)

Spring came and went - with a strange weather phenomena at the end of May that gave us 30 degree celsius temperatures for several days. This beautiful, tropical weather was - alas - short lived. Spring also saw the launch of my latest poetry book Natural Colours and the completion of the first year of my Masters in Creative Writing.

The summer months saw a new addition to the household; a tropical Siamese Fighting Fish named Flash. Flash is fearsome to other fish and will actually kill them if housed with other male Siamese Fighting Fish (and we discovered that he does in fact actually bully any fish that cross his path) so because of this he is unable to have any tankmates apart from two snails that generally mind their own business and slither around the tank eating algae, other debris, and my beautiful Red Tiger Lotus aquarium plants!

Bubbles likes to "supervise" Flash during his daily swimming activities....

I seem to have spent much of the Autumn book editing and taking part in lots of poetry performances, which I have thoroughly enjoyed. Bubbles, however, is less keen on listening to me practise and often chooses to leave the room mid - poem. Yet she does seem to pay special attention to one particular poem entitled 'The Wise Cat'!

Winter is here and Christmas has been and gone in the blink of an eye. So with the New Year on the horizon, all that's left is for Bubbles and I to wish you a Merry Christmas!

Thank you for reading.... We will try to update the Blog a bit more regularly next year!

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