We have been very lucky in our area, not to have been affected by the floods which have caused devastation and despair in so many areas of the UK this January and February. I cannot begin to imagine the chaos and terror caused by rising flood waters and knowing evacuation is inevitable.
Praise goes out to the many rescue workers involved; who not only help humans but help keep their pet animals safe also. It is thought so far:
"the RSPCA have received over 1000 calls from people worried about their pets or reporting animals in trouble.
Among the pets rescued was a hibernating tortoise, a rabbit in its hutch whose owners were away and two adult sheepdog and their six puppies.
Officers have also moved horses and 30 chickens from a flooded pen and transported 40 koi carp."
(http://www.bbc.co.uk/newsround/26154502) (14/2/14).
Bubbles has been able to watch the violent weather from the safety of the windowsill and has been unaffected by it, other than by the wind which always makes her wild and skittish!
She has been avoiding the garden, as she HATES the wind blowing at her and does not like to set foot outside in the wind or rain!